Osteopathy treatment: Real cases and the healing approach

Whole Body Osteopathy Treatment for Early Breast Cancer, Mouth Ulcers, and Immune Support.

Client: Woman in her 30s

●Main issues:

  • Found early-stage breast cancer during a check-up.
  • Deciding between partial or full mastectomy.
  • Dealing with multiple mouth ulcers due to work stress.

●Check-up and treatment:

Checked overall health using hands and therapy pendulums.

Found some problems blocking and slowing natural healing.

●Treated the following priorities:

① Hypothalamus not working well

This affects how the body regulates itself. Connection from the liver suggests stress from herpes virus and a tired immune system.

② Liver, colon, and liver energy low

Liver’s energy isn’t flowing well, causing imbalance.

The liver detoxifies the body, and the colon removes waste. When these work well, it helps control cancer and keeps the immune system strong.

Treatment included osteopathic manual therapy, bioenergy balancing therapy, and life wave patch therapy.

To shrink cancer and prevent it coming back, focus on boosting healing, self-regulation, and immune abilities.

The client might need to make some adjustments to her diet, exercise, and lifestyle.

If you relate to this case or have ongoing concerns, please reach out to our clinic.