Hi there! Welcome in. How can I help you today?(こんにちは!いらっしゃいませ。本日はどうされましたか?)
Hello! I’m [Your Name]. I’ll be taking care of you today.
I’m your osteopath today, my my name is.(こんにちは!私は[あなたの名前]です。本日担当させていただきます。)
Please have a seat and get comfortable. Would you like some water?(どうぞお座りになってリラックスしてください。お水はいかがですか?)
What seems to be bothering you today?(今日はどこが気になりますか?)
How’s your body been feeling lately?
Can you tell me a bit about what’s going on?(どんな感じなのか教えてもらえますか?)
When did you first start noticing this?
Can you walk me through what’s been happening?(最近の状況を順を追って説明してもらえますか?)
What’s the main thing that’s been bothering?(一番困っている、悩んでいるのは何でしょうか?)
How long have you been feeling like this?(この状態がどれくらい続いていますか?)
Have you tried anything for this before?(これまでに何か試されたことはありますか?)
How have you been feeling since our last session?
Have you noticed any changes(shifts) or improvement?
How have you been since we last met? Have you felt any differences?
I’m here to help you feel better. We’ll work on it together.
I can imagine that’s been really tough. We’ll take care of it.
I understand how frustrating that must be. Let’s see what we can do.
I’m just going to gently check your [neck, back, etc.] now. Let me know if anything feels uncomfortable.(今から[首、背中など]を優しくチェックします。違和感があれば教えてくださいね。)
Is it okay if I touch your [specific body part] to see how things are?([特定の部位]を確認するために触っても大丈夫ですか?)
I’m going to apply a little pressure here. Please tell me if it’s too much.(ここに少し圧をかけますが、強すぎたら教えてくださいね。)
You might feel a bit of discomfort while I check this area, but it shouldn’t hurt. Let me know if it does.(この部分をチェックする間、少し不快に感じるかもしれませんが、痛みはないはずです。痛ければ教えてくださいね。)
Could you please stand up straight for me? I’m just going to check your posture.(まっすぐ立っていただけますか?姿勢をチェックしますね。)
Let’s take a look at how you’re standing. Can you relax your shoulders for me?(立ち姿を見てみましょう。肩の力を抜いていただけますか?)
Please sit down comfortably. I’m going to check your posture while seated.(どうぞ楽に座ってください。座った状態で姿勢を確認しますね。)
I’m going to take a quick look at your spine. Just stay relaxed.(背骨を軽く見させていただきますね。リラックスしてください。)
Could you slowly turn your head to the left for me? And now to the right.(ゆっくり頭を左に向けてもらえますか?次に右側もお願いします。)
Please lift your arms above your head, as high as you can comfortably go.(腕を頭の上に、無理のない範囲で上げてみてください。)
Can you bend forward slowly, as if you’re trying to touch your toes?(ゆっくり前にかがんで、つま先に触れるようにしてみてください。)
Let’s see how your back moves. Please arch your back gently and then round it.(背中の動きを見てみましょう。ゆっくり背中を反らして、次に丸めてみてください。)
I’d like you to walk a few steps forward and then back, at a comfortable pace.(無理のないペースで、前に数歩進んでから戻ってきてください。)
Please lie on your back and bring your knees to your chest.(仰向けに寝て、膝を胸に引き寄せてみてください。)
Can you rotate your shoulders slowly, making small circles?(肩を小さく円を描くようにゆっくり回してみてください。)
Try to stand on one leg, if that feels comfortable.(もし無理がなければ、片足で立ってみてください。)
Could you please lie down on your back for me? Take your time.(仰向けになってもらえますか?ゆっくりで大丈夫ですよ。)
Now, could you turn onto your stomach? Let me know if you need any help.(次はうつ伏せになっていただけますか?サポートが必要ならお知らせくださいね。)
I’d like you to roll onto your side.
Just let me know if you feel uncomfortable.(横向きになってもらいたいのですが、もし不快に感じたら教えてくださいね。)
Please lie on your side with your left side up.
Please lie on your side with your right side down.
We’ve worked through a lot of the deeper tension today. Your body has responded nicely, so let’s give it time to self-adjust,
Your body seems to be reacting well, so let’s allow some time for further changes to happen before your next visit.”
Can you bring your left knee forward/backward and rest it on the pillow?
Can you bend your knees for me while you’re lying down?(仰向けのまま膝を曲げてもらえますか?)
Please scoot down a little so your head is comfortably on the pillow.(少し下にずれて、頭が枕に乗るようにしてみてください。)
Could you move a bit closer to the edge of the bed?(ベッドの端に少し近づいていただけますか?)
Let’s have you sit up slowly now. Take your time; there’s no rush.(ゆっくり起き上がってもらいましょう。急がなくていいですよ。)
If you could just adjust your position a little to the left/right, that would be great.(少し左/右に体勢を調整してもらえると助かります。)
Breathe in and hold the breath in your chest.
A good amount of the deeper tension was released during this session. Your body seems to be reacting well,
As you breathe out, send your breath down to your lower belly.
As you breathe out, gently lower your breath to your knees, following your center line.
guide your breath towards your back and lower back.
As you exhale, guide your breath all the way down to your feet, along your center line.
Our body parts are all connected.
When I work on your hands(feet, or spine) it can help other areas like your organs.
By making small adjustments, I’m helping your whole body feel better and balanced.
reducing any stress or tension.
The areas we’re working on often show signs of problems with your organs.
By easing the pain or fixing misalignments here, we can help those internal issues improve as well.
It was a pleasure to work with you. Take care, and see you next time.
We also aim to help the nerves, blood vessels, lymph that support healing.
A good amount of the deeper tension was released during this session.
4.Expressing Gratitude:
Each of these parts has its own energy frequency, so we work to tune them gently for better health.
Today’s session released quite a bit of the deeper tension,
Each part of your body has its own ideal energy for maintaining health.
Pendulum vibration is often categorized as a form of “energy healing” or “vibrational therapy.
Even though you can’t see it, a pendulum vibrates and creates specific colors.
This can help clean your aura, ease physical pain, strain, and inflammation, also support your immune system.
We use this tool to gently attune and balance whole energy levels.
1.Concluding the Session:
We’re just about finished now. How are you feeling?
We’re coming to the end of our session. I hope you’re feeling relaxed.
2.Helping the Client Transition:
Take your time to come back to the present moment.
When you’re ready, you can slowly start to move and open your eyes.
3.Offering Post-Session Guidance:
Remember to drink plenty of water today.
Take it easy for the rest of the day.
Your body might feel a bit different after the session.
Is there anything you’d like to share about how you’re feeling?
How do you feel after the session?
Thank you for coming in today. I’m glad we could work together.
Your body responded well by letting go of some deep tension today.
It’s showing a good reaction, so let’s see how it keeps to improve by your next visit.
We’ve worked through a lot of the deeper tension today,
A good amount of the deeper tension was released during this session,
Your body seems to be reacting well,
Your body responded well(nicely),
so let’s give it time to settle
so let’s give it time to continue adjusting,
and we’ll see more progress by the next session.
so let’s see
-the whole body(remaining areas)to settle.
-how things change by the next session.
-how things progress by your next session.
so let’s allow some time for further changes to happen.
more improvements may happen over time.